Am Do, Okt 25, 2007 at 02:50:02 +0000 schrieb CBL Team: > > We've reviewed the rule that tripped up your IP, and it seems that > > it was a case of overbroad suspicion. We've removed that test, but we > > do recommend that if possible you change the name of your computer to > > something less likely to resemble an infected Windows machine. Thank you for fast response and for the fast reaction. I was assured to get no or only an unmet answer from a rbl operator - i am very impressed about my mistake :-) Anyhow - i am not to be about to do a renaming for two main reasons: - it is really braindead to filter for a name with this consequences - my hostname is in difference to bad maintained windowsboxes in fact rfc2821 compilant (fqdn) - windows boxes jelling out OEMCOMPUTER without a domain part. And you get them into the trap within the HELO/EHLO with the common smtpd helo restrictions (HELO required, invalid hostname, unknown hostname, strict-821-style-envelope, jaddar, jaddar, jaddar). What will be the next if a big vendor will sell boxes with default name 'mail' or 'mx' or 'www'? - A name check is not a technical but a social check. I am real against social checks for technical difficulties, especial in the internet with so many different cultures and people. If you really need to do social 'weak' checks, inspect the result by technical 'hard' probes to verify. At that point it is essential to probe in a active way. Yes, i know, that you cannot do this because of missing man-, machine- and financepower. Think about it. > > Apologies for the trouble, you are welcome, Aleks